Family consumer sciences Combined Shape
LEF Overview
Teaching Method
Student Behavior
Low Technology

Insights for Family & Consumer Sciences

  • Develop multiple work centers within the space to minimize chaos as students gather supplies and do project work.
  • Provide a focal point for the instructor with digital displays, markerboards and demonstration space to facilitate learning.
  • Make mobility a priority by incorporating small and large mobile tables to move equipment and materials from place to place easily.
  • Furnish the room with standing-height group tables to support perching and standing postures as the class moves from demonstration to participation.
  • Create ample space for storage of supplies and equipment with adjoining work areas for easy access, disbursement, and clean-up.
  • Provide spaces for backpacks so they can be tucked away easily.
Family & Consumer Sciences Classroom


Thought Starters for Family & Consumer Sciences Classrooms

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